Uses of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

What is Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)?

Sodium bicarbonate is a salt that breaks down to form sodium and bicarbonate in water. This makes a solution alkaline, meaning it’s able to neutralize acid.

Sodium bicarbonate’s ability to neutralize acid helps treat conditions related to high acidity in bodily fluids, such as indigestion, which is caused by too much acid in the stomach.

People commonly use sodium bicarbonate for indigestion. It is also used for stomach ulcers, athletic performance, kidney damage, dental plaque, tooth discoloration, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses.

Uses of Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

#1. As a Mouthwash.

Baking Soda possesses antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which is why it is ideal to use for oral hygiene. People have started replacing their mouthwash with baking soda. Of course, you should not directly use it, you must dissolve it in warm water first and then proceed.

#2. As a Teeth-Whitener.

All whitening toothpaste contains baking soda. It is good at keeping your teeth clean and free from plaque. Baking soda’s abrasive properties help it prevent teeth from getting stained. Moreover, its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties keep the teeth and mouth free from germs.

#3. As an Antacid.

Baking Soda is a neutralizing agent. It treats acid reflux very efficiently. Whenever you have a burning sensation, anywhere between your throat and abdomen, it is because of acid reflux. A dose of Baking Soda mixed with water easily relieves from excessive pain and irritation.

#4. Treating Heartburns.

Heartburn is a painful and burning sensation that you may feel in your stomach if you have had acidic or spicy food. A heartburn can be really painful and hard to deal with and can even spread to your throat.

Since baking soda is slightly basic in nature, it gently treats your heartburn by neutralizing the acid. All you have to do is to mix one teaspoon of baking soda in cold water and drink it and you will feel instant relief.

#5. Fire Extinguisher.

Baking Soda also goes by term dry chemical fire extinguisher. It can be used to put out grease, oil or electrical fires. It reacts with heat to form carbon dioxide, which in turn, extinguishes the fire.

#6. As a Deodorant.

You might be surprised to find out that human sweat is in fact odourless. Sweat only gains its odour by reacting with bacteria present in your armpit. Since baking soda has antibacterial properties, it eliminates the smell of sweat by converting bacteria into acidic waste products. That is why it is a key ingredient in deodorants.

#7. Treats Itchy Skin.

In case of bug bites and bee stings, a baking soda bath is generally recommended. Even in case of rashes and itches or sunburns, baking soda is used for relief. Baking soda is mixed with water usually and then applied to the skin.

#8. Air Freshener.

Most commercial air fresheners do not eliminate bad odour, they simply mask the smell. Baking Soda reacts with the odour particles and neutralizes them; eliminating the bad smell completely.

#9. To Whiten Laundry.

Using baking soda to whiten your clothes is the best and most inexpensive way. As baking soda is alkaline in nature, when dissolved in water, it becomes a soluble salt which reacts with dirt particles and stains to remove them completely and effectively. Simply adding half a cup of baking soda to the detergent while doing laundry can do wonders for you.

#10. A Cleaning Agent.

Baking soda is highly versatile as a cleaning agent. It both removes stains and bad odours which is why it has great usage as a kitchen cleaner. It can remove stubborn stains from anywhere, from greased kitchen/bathroom tiles and ovens to stained marbles and tarnished silver.

#11. To Eliminate Garbage Odour.

Garbage can have a really pungent smell in the house and it can spread fast. Baking soda not only helps in controlling the odour but eliminates it completely. Most people keep baking soda at the bottom of waste bins for the same reason.

#12. To Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains.

Carpet stains can be really hard to get out. However, combining baking soda and vinegar can do the trick. When baking soda and vinegar are mixed together, they create carbonic acid, which is a common ingredient found in cleaning products. The reaction between baking soda and vinegar creates a lot of fizzing, which in turn helps to break down stubborn stains.

#13. To Clean Fruits and Vegetables.

Because of intensive use of pesticides on food, it may be harmful to eat them unwashed. Even washing them in water is not enough sometimes. If fruits and vegetables are soaked in the baking soda solution, chemicals get dissolved very effectively and the food is safe to eat.

Special Precautions and Warnings

When taken by mouth

Sodium bicarbonate is likely safe when used appropriately, short-term. Over-the-counter antacid products containing sodium bicarbonate are considered safe and effective by the US FDA. Taking sodium bicarbonate in very high doses is possibly unsafe.

It is also possibly unsafe to take sodium bicarbonate that it is not fully dissolved into a solution. Stomach rupture and serious changes in electrolyte levels have occurred.

When applied to the skin

There isn’t enough reliable information to know if sodium bicarbonate is safe to use or what the side effects might be. Pregnancy: Sodium bicarbonate is possibly unsafe when taken by mouth during pregnancy. There is some concern that it might increase the risk of water retention or pH imbalances in the tissues.


There isn’t enough reliable information to know if sodium bicarbonate is safe to use while breast feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


There isn’t enough reliable information to know if sodium bicarbonate is safe to use by mouth in children. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Sodium bicarbonate is possibly unsafe when applied to the skin. There have been reports of high sodium blood levels in children following use.


Applying sodium bicarbonate to burns might increase burn thickness in the skin.

Sudden loss of heart function (cardiac arrest)

Sodium bicarbonate doesn’t seem to help in people who have had cardiac arrest. It might reduce survival or slow down recovery.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Sodium bicarbonate increases blood acids called ketones, which are associated with DKA. Sodium bicarbonate should not be used in people with this condition.

Swelling (edema)

Because sodium bicarbonate contains sodium, it can increase the risk of swelling caused by excess fluids in the body. People with heart failure, liver disease, or other conditions associated with fluid build-up should use sodium bicarbonate with caution.

High calcium levels in the blood

People with high calcium levels in the blood can have trouble getting rid of bicarbonate. Taking sodium bicarbonate might increase the risk of complications such as milk-alkali syndrome.

High sodium levels in the blood

Sodium bicarbonate might increase sodium levels in the blood. People who already have high levels of sodium in the blood should avoid sodium bicarbonate.

High blood pressure: Sodium bicarbonate might increase blood pressure. People who already have high blood pressure should avoid sodium bicarbonate.

Low potassium levels in the blood: Sodium bicarbonate might lower potassium blood levels. People who already have low levels of potassium should avoid sodium bicarbonate.

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